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  • someone can tell me, because I have such high memory rates what it can be that consumes so much memory

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    GeorgiosT Bronze badges on 12/22/17 at 00:56 in mooSocial features
  • hi, does anyone know how i can send general messages to my users, which would show on their home page ?

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    Nikita Erukunuakpor Basic on 12/07/17 at 13:17 in mooSocial features
  • question when we transfer your website to another server, then we have to do something in the manager manager panel

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    GeorgiosT Bronze badges on 11/30/17 at 08:28 in mooSocial features
  • Anyone know of a good developer familiar enough with Moosocial to advise on syntax when editing my script for everything from text to adding video and graphics?

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    Michael DiPaola Basic on 11/25/17 at 14:26 in mooSocial features
  • I want to mention a name in my postif I type it in Greek it does not recognize it, only the names in English, I can put, how can I fix it

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    GeorgiosT Bronze badges on 11/13/17 at 01:22 in mooSocial features
  • Hi, How many letters and char Can I have in one post? and in one Topic? Thanks

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    zam Basic on 10/18/17 at 06:02 in mooSocial features
  • it would be possible to create an extension of the foreign language postings also translated As with Facebook since I can translate the postings translate best with a interface to Microsoft Azure

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    Eric Basic on 10/14/17 at 03:01 in mooSocial features
  • I'm looking to get translation of Portuguese of Brazil to my site. I may start the translation and maybe finish it. Thanks

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    Jay Leles Basic on 10/09/17 at 22:06 in mooSocial features
  • For some reason, my sites have changed since changing over to hostiso for hosting and they say the software part of support comes to mooSocial, so I'm asking if anyone knows why my comments only sh...

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    News Bug Basic on 09/25/17 at 06:50 in mooSocial features
  • I can not understand why Topics after Topics groups it must be the same I want to abolish them Topics but will also be removed from groups I do not think that's right, it should be indepe...

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    GeorgiosT Bronze badges on 09/22/17 at 04:14 in mooSocial features
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