There is this feature in some private platforms such as some torrent hubs or adult forums. It should be under admin's control to enable/disable it whenever its needed.
Reason: To keep quality people inside only. As quality people would invite other quality people mentality.
- Every single member will have specific amount of invitations to use. (amount of invitation and time period can be up to admins customization for example each member will gain 2 invitations per month but if they don't use it it's not going to be 4 for the next month.)
-Invitation Only system will be activated once admin switches website to free entrances (sign-ups)
- Admin can giveaway specific amount of invitation to any user.
I believe this system will help growing the platform with more quality people and people who cares about privacy etc.

Comments (1)
I think this should be a custom development request for our friend inviter plugin.
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