Curious. Should we do some soul searching?

 I love this community. I met many entrepreneurial type. Each of us is building a community.
I am wondering if it is time for some serious soul searching.
Look. We will shamelessly steal any good idea from Facebook. But we are not Facebook wannabes. Social media will boom in our time. There will be new social medias for niche coming out. Some wildly successful ones will come from this community.
Maybe we should huddle and ask why we want to build a community outside Facebook in the first place. Aside from freedom and ownership, what else are the things our communities desire that are not available in Facebook. These questions should help us define the roadmap we need from the MooSocial team.
Facebook is doing an amazing job. With the resource they have, it is not surprising. But I happen to believe that Facebook will not and can not be one thing for all, although it is clearly trying with great success. There got to be some little small things catering to niche segments that will give us a break. Question is what are these? 
But first thing first, there are many things Facebook do very well. These gaps such as notification, newsletter, share etc, should be closed.
Posted in General Discussion on 12/27/17 at 02:27
Comments (2)
The biggest thing FB has going for it is the games... No one else has them, and this is something mooSocial should be capitalizing on! It can be done and would help everyone's sites grow, maybe even out do FB! FB's biggest drawback is their constant censoring and if you don't go along with their ideas, you either get banned, or they cancel your account... This is wrong in every way... If you can't speak your mind and your ideas, what good is it... That's where the casino games come in... People ...  more
Jing Gu  
I am not sure if gaming is the answer.

1) FB has the kind of resource MooSocial does not have. Game is for everyone. Therefore it makes perfect sense for FB to focus on.

2 At the same time, there are many things FB does not focus on which is for the niche. That is where MooSocial should focus on.

For example, FB does not provide functions friendly enough for small businesses.

For example, most small businesses struggle with functions like Newsletter. FB does not offer any solution for that...  more
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