[Reviewed] Group Privacy

One of my site members had a major embarrassment after a photo he posted in his private group showed up in the public newsfeed. Can somebody explain this? I ran into a similar situation on another social network site but the leaks from private groups were random. How can these leaks be stopped? Anything posted in a private group should be contained within that group and nowhere else. Not in albums, blogs, topics, etc.
Posted in v2.2.1 Bug Reports on 09/25/15 at 21:08
Comments (7)
I just discovered a glitch where someone was seeing a Private group listed even though he was not a member of that group. He joined then removed himself and after that the group was no longer listed for him.
I need to be able to explain to my members how group privacy works before anything like this happens again. They won't feel confident about setting up groups on my site if I can't guarantee their privacy. Is there some way to have private groups in their own directory or database to prevent...  more
This happen because it was set to private, if the group admin created it set it to restricted then that other member would not be able to join without the admin of the group accepting however, the member would still be able to view the group.
This is the only person who was able to see this private group in the listing. It should not have even showed up for this one person at all. And this is the only time I've seen this happen with a private group. Once the person joined the group and then removed himself, he was no longer able to see the group. This makes me wonder if there is a glitch somewhere.
To add to this another member is able to see that one of his friends joined a private group. He goes to the group and can access the photos but can't join or see anything else.
Thank you for reporting. I can replicate and is aware of this issue. I have prioritized to improve group's privacy in our next cycle. It will be included in v2.4's roadmap.
Awesome, thanks Ryan! I'm looking forward to see how this progresses. I wish I knew programming to offer some ideas.
In case this is something different, I found something else related to group privacy. One of my members tagged another member in a photo posted in a private group. Both are members of the private group. The photo showed up in the public feed for everyone to see, even those not friends of either group member. I really hopes this gets fixed soon because I've been holding off on explaining these leaks to my site members. I cannot advertise private groups if there are leaks.
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