Right now, if someone using a phone tries to send an emoji without using the selector built into the site, the message will be blank.
Support with the unicode emojis would allow emojis to work across all devices

Comments (15)
I have a similar problem, too, on my website, but by inserting parentheses ()

That is why I had to close, the sections, topics and blogs

It seemed very ugly, writing an article, half the words appeared as emojis depending on how many parentheses there were
Thanks for suggestion, will add this into next coming version.

Nicky Liberty we will fix them at next version too, in the meantime, please ask your programmer look into it.
Ok, thanks. It appears the software recognizes the Duy Duy (mooTechnicalTeam) "@" symbol as a ":"
Mark ^^^ Your system is not doing the same thing.
Is it the Buk version vs the social version?
you meant that this issue only happens on mooBuk theme?
I am asking you Mark if that is why you don't have the issue here, but we have the latest version of Moo Buk and we had this issue. The programmer added a fix today.
@craig the interesting thing about that message, is that the emoji's appeared in the email notification, but not here.
Yes that is weird. Very happy to hear it has been added to the next coming version. Would that be Moosocial 3.1 or 3.2 @Mark??
It will be 3.2
If your site only installed latin languages, you can hot fix by removing line "encoding" => "utf8" in \app\Config\config.php . After this line is removed, you can use emojis on your smartphones.
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