As for now (as far as I know) moosocial is only fully compatible with php version 7.0 (which is END OF LIFE since January 2019).
Therefore I kindly would like to request, once the fixes for 3.1.1. are done, please firstly make mooCore + plugins compatible with at least php version 7.2 (better 7.3).

Comments (9)
Mark I’m curious what fails in Moosocial with PHP 7.2 right now? I do have some glitches but I’ve thought it was only incompatibilities of 3.1.0 with Android 1.21 causing it. Should we not run 7.2 right now?
Good question!
Some developers made me an observation, which even today's Moosocial, is incompatible, with php 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
GeorgiosT That could be why I have a few glitches, like blurry pictures posted inside comments. I think I’ll switch to 7.0 on a test site and see if that fixes them.
php 7.1 is already described as obsolete by my host
Ahhhh that's why you all have problems LOL Hmmmm Mark .. any news regarding this? I just ordered my new super dedicated server and want to continue
I do not have a problem with that, my problem is that code has changed between 3.0 and 3.1 and now my site does not work as before, and to repair it is asking me to pay
yes it's like that, it's a little shocking, it starts to produce here the same thing as with younet and phpfox, as when updates, smale things are changed to force customers to pay ..
Update status to "accepted". Patch file for this also is ready, if you want to get it, please submit a ticket. Will add the patch to next version (3.1.2)
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