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Posted by Ryan Nguyen on 11/28/17 at 23:22
Comments (17)
omg Ryan Nguyen u dont have Imac?
Nerds don't use Apple
Right on ketkew! They sure don't... Just TV stations and Newspaper...
Maybe a suggestion to monetize this function to add the following option to the user roles "May Video Call"
Daniel R, it's all within the mooChat plugin. Buy mooChat, you'll get video call with it because it will be part of the overall plugin.
Fabio, what you see is not mine. ketkew, you are wrong!!!
Still being worked on, give or take 1-2 months. Mike, you might be wrong!!!
Ahhh your screenshot is from an Apple.. then you are almost a nerd with good programming skills
lol i know Ryan since long time and I know is apple fan
ketkew, you noticed?!?!? hahaha
ketkew, just checked option to the user roles "May Video Call" is already there
That sounds good
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