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Posted by GeorgiosT on 06/30/18 at 13:42
Comments (11)
Same problem is also on my site.
Mark, Please have a look.
Imagine having many thousands of members, how much trouble will be created

And all of them need to do a password reset, these things are not serious

This will be a simple disaster for the website because most users do not know how to do it, and they will just give up
How did you recover GeorgiosT ? Using backup and restore plugin? Please send us ticket so that we can help. Please send us the path of the backup file.
Nickel please submit ticket also
Mark the backup was created with Backup and Restore pluginThe site was installed again from the beginningInstalled Backup and Restore pluginAnd it was restored from backup created with Backup and Restore pluginI followed this process...  more
Submit a ticket and send us details, we will check to see if it's bug of our plugin or not.
I do not want to open a ticket, it's a tedious follow-up and I continue to open tickets all the time, I wrote about the problem, it's up to you to fix it

The details are as I write them above
this is exactly why I hold off on buying digital products now days, everything is extremely tedious and time consuming.
I tested here using our testing site and server but can't see problem you mentioned. If you don't provide the info and post ticket we can't help.
Mark How can we reproduce the problem

And I understand that through tickets you can help

I personally can not give any other information, That, I encountered the problem I wrote
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