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Posted by Buğra Bodur on 08/29/18 at 20:56
Comments (5)
Have you verified this issue on your site? If yes, can register or not?
I've been getting a lot of emails about the issue. Even though couple months ago I have changed questions thought maybe it was bugged somehow but I kept getting emails about the issue. I have tried signing-up once with new account and it did work for me but there are people who can't sign-up in even if they try several times like the lady above. The answer is ''six'' to that question but it didn't work for her.
I think the google recapchat is enough. It's not easy to by pass it.
recaptcha really didn't do its job at all that's why I activated this some months before. my domain was under attack of Chinesse and Indian spambot accounts. And these bots were coming and spam creating blogs with unrelated product advertisings and such.
I will delete spam challenges for a while.. Maybe spambots targeting is over and captcha can take over it.
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