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Posted by Mark on 12/17/18 at 21:55
Comments (31)
Mark why using a commercial party like twillio? There are a lot of good other solutions available. I currently have setup a dedicated server with rocket.chat. The videochat solution they have implemented is using https://jitsi.org which is a complete free opensource video conferencing platform.
With rocket.chat you don't have to install the jitsi on your own server because it is hosted by rocket.chat itself (like cometchat does..). So mooSocial can decide to do that and come with an hosting plan (or raise the plugin price with the hosting included), or let the user choose to host the jitsi on their own server (and provide an installation package as you now do with mooChat > nodejs server)
Or maybe better to keep it simple, just use the free jitsi-meet api: https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/blob/master/doc/api.md

You can try it here. Use the html code, put it in a new page.. and voila:

mobile and app first...
Mark for live cam plugin also need turn server? its not cam2cam, individual members can perform on public
ketkew thanks for suggestion but I think it also needs a Turn server for doing video call. Will look into the link you sent more carefully.
I think i should go with cometchat at least for now, they have group chat, real time translation, credit integration, mobile app many other features for $199/m
I dropped cometchat due to several serious issues. Also for that amount it is not worth (for my network).

Mark you dont need a separate turn server for simple solutions. If you choose for the api version easy 1-on-1 chat can be integrated.
facebook is testing dating feature, so dating sites also going to die, the only hope is 18+
If you don't want to pay fee for turn server, we can help you setup a turn server at your own server. But you need to increase bandwidth for your server.

ketkew if you use jitsi.org, you also need to setup the turn server at your own server.
However, the video call may be not stable if it's hosted using your own server. That why I suggested you should use paid service.
Mark nope, you dont need a turn server as you freely can use their https://meet.jit.si service and using their api (https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/blob/master/doc/api.md)

Rocket.Chat did implement it this same way in their application
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