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Posted by GeorgiosT on 06/09/19 at 02:34
Comments (3)
I might have to close mine if I cant compete in my niche against faster sites that keep popping up to take over the niche
I play the cards right and saw what moo was trrying to do for us and I ran with it by hitting up all the unhappy facebookers that dont like to be censored but my site grows to fast and slows down and there is no cure by going to bigger server the problem is in the script I can average 20 -50 new members a day steady but 90% bounce because of speeds to slow which reminds me I WOULD LIKE TO SUGGEST A FLOATING RELOAD BUTTON OVER THE FEED THAT REFRESHES THE CENTER COLUMN FEED ONLY
GeorgiosT " there is a reasonable explanation" -> no niche or target = no success ..
+ The google story has broken a lot of site, some admin have drop just after that, I know because I have list of 95% moosocial sites online
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