I have been looking at a few affiliate adverts and many of them are not the "image and link" type, but have something like this to embed:-
<iframe src="https://tools.fiverr.com/?searchbox-iframe=1&affid=385700&widget-width=800" border="0" scrolling="no" style="border: 0px none; overflow: hidden; width: 629px; max-width: 800px; height: 253px; box-shadow: rgba(17, 17, 17, 0.12) 0px 16px 32px;" class="fasb-iframe-searchbox-widget" data-origwidth="100%" data-origheight="253px" max-width="800" widget-width="800" width="100%" height="253px"></iframe>
I can allocate a space the right size, but I cannot find a way to make a dynamic advert work. If it cannot be done, that's fair enough, I can stop trying, but at the moment, I have a feeling it CAN be done, but I am not sure how.
I understand that the IMAGE type advert needs an image, but ones which use HTML, I thought might have allowed this to be provided by the advertising site - but it still demands that a banner is uploaded - even if it needs to come from the site (as above).
I have looked at the Knowledge base which is great for general setting up of adverts, but I am still unsure if it is possible to embed things like the link above or (for example) embedded game links. If it cannot be done, I will just find other affiliates, but if it CAN be done (especially if it can be done in the newsfeed), that would be awesome.
If this is already covered elsewhere, I apologise - but could not find it.
Also, please see attached image - if we decide NOT to display the Title (Ads), then please can we also NOT display the Whitepspace for it either - as well as an extra line or two. Just remove the whitespace please.