Members Privacy

How can I prevent not loged in people to see the users on the site? Or how can I hide the user menu on the recover pasword page?
I have all the settings on force login or hide for guests but it is still not 100 percent closed. 
Secondly, does anyone know how to force people to log in first when they are not but using a url link? For example a user sends a url of someone's profile to a not member. Now they can just do that and I want to make that impossible.
Sofie O Basic on 01/10/18 at 06:58 in Other
2 Answer(s)
Hi Sofie, i hope this helps.
for this question "How can I prevent not logged in people to see the users on the site?"
I solved this by going to the "PLUGINS MANAGER" then to the "LANDING THEME PAGE" then to the "MANAGE LANDING BLOCK"one of the options is "MENU BLOCK" click on "EXPAND TO EDIT"
There are "YES" and "NO" circles beside the "ACTIVE" if it's checked "YES" then guests can search through some privileged info, but if its checked "NO" then guests have to sign in to see whats going on. 
Also this controls the menu on your landing page so it makes it appear and disappear. you decide.
Nikita Erukunuakpor Basic on 01/13/18 at 16:20
Now for the second question...url's can be sent but unless the person logs in they can view the user
as long as you go to "SYSTEM ADMIN" then to "SYSTEM SETTINGS" of the options right beside GENERAL is "FEATURES" now that where you need to go so you click on "FEATURES"  and the options appear.
The first option you should see is "ALLOW GUESTS TO SEARCH" if its UNCHECKED then guests can search your users info even if they have the url that's dedicated to the user, but if its UNCHECKED well that's another thing, then your guests or a passerby can view info about your users
hope this helps
Nikita Erukunuakpor Basic on 01/13/18 at 16:42
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