I never know whether to write feedback on plugins in the "feedbacks" or directly on the timeline of each plugin. Anyways Ill do it here, let me know where you prefer in future Mark and Ill stick to that.

Things I have noticed with Feedback plugin that you guys may want to consider for upcoming releases:

Front End:
1. Between each sections with headers there is a blue line to seperate the sections. This could be removed as the bottom grey line from an FAQ and the blue line underneath that visually do not look nice. The white space is sufficient.

2. The category box
a. When going into a a category, the category box only displays the category and eventual subcategories. In order to go home you need to use the "breadcrumbs" "Home" link in the main section to go back or click the FAQ alltogether. This should be fixed.
b. Categories should be able to be toggeled (like the main faq section)by clicking the arrow on the right hand side to open and close sections to show subcategories as an example
c. Overall "home" - clicking to all in category box should always remain at top somehow even when going into a category

3. FAQ
a. when creating a link in the WYSIWYG on backend then on frontend it breaks the line and and goes to next line. Needs fixing
b. Links are not clickable. If you have a link and click it on front end that section of faq becomes blue (blue box wrap). In order to open link now you need to "right click" and select "open link in new window"

4. Search FAQ form should be auto-suggest while typing.

1. FAQ list potentially could be ajaxed like "profile fields" to drag and drop FAQ around rather than entering the order number and saving (nice to have)
2. Categories in backend could display breadcrumbs of where FAQ is located (Main category > Sub category) rather than just the category itself (nice to have for overview, not a must)
3. Under "FAQ Categories" tab - subcategories should be visible here immediatly under main categories. The Action column with "Manage Sub" is fine but if the sub categories were indented under main it would be easier to administer.
4. Under "Reports" Tab - First dropdown should have "All" as option aside from "Not Helpful" "Helpful"
5. Under "Reports" tab - if a user on front end submits whether feedback was helpful or not, the admin should have the ability to "delete" or purge items or all items on selection. If in future a community has lots of feedback, that just collects and sits there. In understand that this shows under "FAQ manager" statistics (%) for each FAQ however should not impact "reports" deletion capability
6. Admin should have the option to show the selected category icon on frontend not only on the category box but also main faq section next to each header.
7. Admin should have option to show subcatgories underneath the main categories on homepage. Example. Main category has 3 FAQs on homepage then there is subcategory B with 3 more and that should be shown underneath perhaps in smaller heading like <h4>

These are my first findings and suggestions. Hopefully useful for future release, ideas, etc.

Comments (6)
"3. Under "FAQ Categories" tab - subcategories should be visible here immediatly under main categories. The Action column with "Manage Sub" is fine but if the sub categories were indented under main it would be easier to administer."

I don't find the "manage sub" link "fine" at all. It's hugely inconvenient and unfriendly. Especially once you have a large amount of cats and sub cats. Imagine in 5 or 6 months after you've built a massive FAQ knowledge base loaded with subcategories, and because ...  more
Mike Reynolds Great suggestions. Thats the beauty of the moosocial team and this very activity community in regards to improvements, suggestions, feedback, etc. Would agree with you on just about all the points you mention.

Regarding the 3 listings per page, you can change that. IN the "FAQ settings" tab, change the "items per page" value - I have 25 as an example and now you have a majority of my faqs listed. As far as i can tell, this setting also affets frontend, top level (root) amount of i...  more
Oh thank you Jack Mack I never noticed that setting. Yes, much much better. Now if we can get sub cats to show indented under the parent cats, this would be purrrrrrrfect!
My suggestions:

1. in the admin, when you click a FAQ to edit.. it is opened in a new window instead within the same screen (little bug?)

2. There should be a "bulk add/remove user roles" to the FAQ, let me explain:

Once you create 100 FAQ pages, per FAQ page you can add/remove one or more user role permission(s).
If you create a new user role afterwards, then you have to edit 100 FAQ pages which is a lot of work.

With a bulk function, a user role can be added to or removed from the 100 FAQ ...  more
for categorie i hop wee kep the model from other plugin, as Mike Reynolds say..
There is something disturbing in navigation: if you clic "View details " you get a new windows with comment box under,
why a new windows an not directly comment box in the same page ?
Great suggestions! We will review and will add the most importance suggestions first into next version. Many thanks everyone.
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