mooSocial 3.1.1 -> fresh install with juste slider plugin installed to see if i can reproduce the bug that I have on main site -> confirmedSee picture, when you click link you get moo ...
I think it would be great to have better documentation on how to setup Amazon S3 and CNAME. I've searched the internet and have not found a tutorial for this with mooSocial. It needs to be clear ho...
I have a few features requests for the music plugin which I will combine in this feedback topic
1. The music plugin is really a data traffic monster once a lot of music is uploaded and played ...
Can we have a category reserved only for customers here in topics section?So that we can talk freely, without our words being misinterpreted by potential customers
I know that the current Mp3 Music plugin does have a section for terms and service, but if you gonna run a website and use this plugin you have only one good option: paying the royalties to music o...
A problem that many users face on my site is in which language they write their profile name. For example, a Greek user can not write it in Greek only in Latin.
I'm disappointed to see that the new version is still using jQuery 1.11. Latest is 3.3.1. There have been *many* security enhancements and deprecations in modern browsers since jQuery version 1, an...