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Anti Ad Block add-on allows you to detect users with ad-blocking software enabled to restricts their access to your website until they disable ad blocking.

Have ideas, suggestions, questions regarding this plugin? Please post them here.


Recent Activities

Anti Adblock plugin 1.2 is release
Anti Adblock plugin 1.2 is release Change log:+ Support mooSocial 3.1.5Importance Note: This new version is not tested on mobile app yet. Don't upgrade if you're using mobile...
Anti Adblock plugin
Anti Ad Block add-on allows you todetectusers with ad-blocking software enabled to restricts their access to your...
Anti Adblock plugin
Anti Ad Block add-on allows you todetectusers with ad-blocking software enabled to restricts their access to your...
Anti Adblock plugin
Anti Ad Block add-on allows you todetectusers with ad-blocking software enabled to restricts their access to your...
Anti Adblock plugin
Anti Ad Block add-on allows you todetectusers with ad-blocking software enabled to restricts their access to your...
Anti Adblock plugin
Anti Ad Block add-on allows you todetectusers with ad-blocking software enabled to restricts their access to your...
French version done
Anti Adblock plugin
Anti Ad Block add-on allows you todetectusers with ad-blocking software enabled to restricts their access to your...
Anti Adblock plugin
Anti Ad Block add-on allows you todetectusers with ad-blocking software enabled to restricts their access to your...
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