
Public (anyone can view and join)
This Meetme plugin can turn mooSocial a professional dating social network. This plugin allows users to browse profiles and add them to a meeting list. Users can also browse people who want to meet them. Meetme plugin can combine with who near me, profile matching, who viewed me, credit, gift, and video, audio chat to turn mooSocial to complete dating social network.
Have ideas, suggestions, questions regarding this plugin? Please post them here.
Nhân Nguyễn   created a new topic
Meetme - encounter Plugin Version 1.4 is released
Compatibility: mooSocial 3.2.0   Change log: + Compatible with mooSocial 3.2.0+ Compatible with mooApp 1.9 Please download the new version at 
Meetme - encounter Plugin
ThisMeetme plugincan turn mooSociala professionaldating social network. This plugin allows users to browse profiles and...
Nhân Nguyễn   created a new topic
Meetme - encounter Plugin Version 1.3 is released
Compatibility: mooSocial 3.1.8   Change log: + Compatible with mooSocial 3.1.8+ Compatible with mooApp 1.8.2  Please download the new version...
Meetme - encounter Plugin
ThisMeetme plugincan turn mooSociala professionaldating social network. This plugin allows users to browse profiles and...
Meetme - encounter Plugin Version 1.2 is released
Compatibility: moosoical 3.1.5   Change log: v1.2+ Compatible with 3.1.5+ Added: "Matches" tab     Please download the new version at 
Meetme - encounter Plugin
ThisMeetme plugincan turn mooSociala professionaldating social network. This plugin allows users to browse profiles and...
Meetme - encounter Plugin
ThisMeetme plugincan turn mooSociala professionaldating social network. This plugin allows users to browse profiles and...
Meetme - encounter Plugin
ThisMeetme plugincan turn mooSociala professionaldating social network. This plugin allows users to browse profiles and...
Meetme - encounter Plugin
ThisMeetme plugincan turn mooSociala professionaldating social network. This plugin allows users to browse profiles and...
Meetme - encounter Plugin
ThisMeetme plugincan turn mooSociala professionaldating social network. This plugin allows users to browse profiles and...
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