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This is a discussion group for mooSocial's Profile Verify plugin. Have ideas, suggestions, questions regarding this plugin? Please post them here.

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Nhân Nguyễn   created a new topic
Profile Verify plugin Version 2.1 is released
Compatibility: mooosical 3.2.0   Change log: + Compatible with mooSocial 3.2.0+ Compatible with mooApp 1.9   Please download the new version...
Profile Verify
This is a discussion group for mooSocial's Profile Verify plugin. Have ideas, suggestions, questions regarding this...
Nhân Nguyễn   created a new topic
Profile Verify plugin Version 2.0 is released
Compatibility: mooosical 3.1.8   Change log: + Compatible with mooSocial 3.1.8+ Compatible with mooApp 1.8.1+ Improved: editing profile when a user is verified+ Fixed phrase...
I use 'profile verify' on my site.
However, member has to change profile image then apply for 'verify me'.

Possible. Can 'profile plugin' be included to 'Member Sign-up'.
Reason: It is better to verify new member at start of membership.

Many thanks
Profile Verify
This is a discussion group for mooSocial's Profile Verify plugin. Have ideas, suggestions, questions regarding this...
Profile Verify plugin Version 1.9 is release
Profile Verify plugin Version 1.9 is release Change log: + Competible with mooSocial 3.1.5+ Competible with mooApp 1.5 Please download a new version at
French file has been updated to the latest version
Profile Verify plugin Version 1.8 is release
Profile Verify plugin Version 1.8 is release Change log: + Fixed : Popup issue and cannot close when user presses 'Enter' keyboard+ Added a setting into Activity Feed Settings: When a user has...

- I still have version 1.6, the next one is 1.7, and the last 1.8 I have to upgrade in the order or go directly to the last
----> You can upgrade from 1.6 to 1.8. But your moosocial version need to moosocial 3.0.2 +

- And something else, I have it turned off now on my website, to make the upgrading have to be activated or no matter
------> Do you mean you disabled this addon right? if you only disable it, you can enable or do not enable. you only follow all upgrade step to upgrade your add...  more
In Profile Verify, the only language used is, English or another, because there is no translation

Example, Profile Verify Reasons There is no translation, when the website is multilingual, what is happening

Why they leave the Plugins after they are created, and you are not upgrading them for the better
We are doing nothing more than waiting 2 years now to have functional add-ons
i think its really annoying having to re verify members every-time they change there info or pic can this be fixed ?
Tan TT  
Go to Profile Verify Settings. In fields Information Needed Verification you can un-check All to disable.
Profile Verify plugin Version 1.7 is release
Profile Verifyplugin Version 1.7 is release Change log: + Competible with 3.0.2+ Competible with MooApp 1.2 Please go to see detail.
Profile Verify
This is a discussion group for mooSocial's Profile Verify plugin. Have ideas, suggestions, questions regarding this...
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