
Public (anyone can view and join)
This is a discussion group for mooSocial's Job manager plugin. Have ideas, suggestions, questions regarding this plugin? Please post them here.

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Recent Activities

Nhân Nguyễn   created a new topic
Job posting 2.1 is released
Compatibility: mooosical 3.2.0   Change log: + Compatible with mooSocial 3.2.0+ Compatible with mooApp 1.9   Please download the new version...
Nhân Nguyễn   created a new topic
Job posting 2.0 is released
Compatibility: mooosical 3.1.8   Change log: + Compatible with mooSocial 3.1.8+ Compatible with MooApp 1.8.1   Please download the new version...
Hello fellow members.I have just bought 'Jobs Manager Plugin'.
I have found an error.
Issue: When i 'create a company' and enter 'address', at this point the address entry becomes 'none responsive' and can not proceed with 'create a company'.Any Ideas ?
I have sent a support ticket already.Thank you
...  more
I think it's relate to google api key configuration. Please try to switch to Openstreetmap to see if it works. If not, please send a support ticket please.
Job manager plugin
This is a discussion group for mooSocial's Job manager plugin. Have ideas, suggestions, questions regarding this plugin?...
Nhân Nguyễn   created a new topic
Job posting 1.9 is released
Job posting 1.9 is released Compatibility: moosocial 3.1.5 Change log: + Compatible with mooSocial 3.1.6+ Compatible with mooApp 1.6+ Fixed - Job map issue with mooSocial 3.1.6 Please...
Job posting 1.8 is released
Compatibility: moosocial 3.1.5 Change log: + Changed Industry field to combo box instead of suggestion box.+ Enable add job on Mobile App+ Applied Date time format of mooSocial to plugin+...
Job posting 1.7.2 is released
Compatibility: moosocial 3.1.4+ Change log: + Fixed: Security issue - can add data for any users when edit item+ Fixed: XSS issue   Please download new version...
Well this is a quiet group, bought the plugin starting to iron out the bugs and get customisation going. Anyone out there using this plugin?
Job manager plugin
This is a discussion group for mooSocial's Job manager plugin. Have ideas, suggestions, questions regarding this plugin?...
Job manager plugin
This is a discussion group for mooSocial's Job manager plugin. Have ideas, suggestions, questions regarding this plugin?...
When the jobs expire on the site are they removed automatically from view?
Or is this something the lister needs to do? — with Mark
Job manager plugin
This is a discussion group for mooSocial's Job manager plugin. Have ideas, suggestions, questions regarding this plugin?...
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