
Public (anyone can view and join)
mooChat is a Live Chat solution for mooSocial. Live chat capability is undoubtedly a necessary component of any social network. It allows members to converse and exchange contents in real-time. To include a Live Chat system to your social network provides an added convenience for members of your site to build strong and deepens their relationships.

mooChat is built using Node.js and ReactJS which provide excellent performance and minimal resources consumption compare to the old technology AJAX chat products.

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1. One-on-one chat
2. Group chat
3. Chat status setting: Online, Offline
4. Send picture
5. Send file
6. Supports Smileys Emojis
7. Chat history (See Full Conversation action)
8. ...

1.Chat Server URL
2. Enable / Disable chat
3. Users Roles setting
+ Can chat
+ Can send picture
+ Can send file
+ Can use emotion
+ Can chat group
4. Block settings
5. Enable / Disable chat sound
6. Chat monitor
7. Report as spam or Abuse
8. Chat log

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Nhân Nguyễn   created a new topic
mooChat version 1.9 released
Compatibility: mooSocial 3.1.8   Change log: + Compatible with mooSocial 3.1.8+ Compatible with mooApp 1.8.2  + Applied new UI+ Added the unsent feature that allow user to unsent a message+...
Installation Guide
Installation Guide.txt
How do I change port on mooChat server?
How do I change port on mooChat server ?   You can change the default port (3000) by following the steps bellow: Editing the file :  yoursite/lib/MooNodeJsServer/mooServer.js  Go to line 58...
created a ticket i installed the new chat version but it wont work. i set up ssl and still nothing need help asap thanks
Nhân Nguyễn   created a new topic
mooChat version 1.7.1 released
mooChat version 1.7.1 released Change log: + Require moosocial 3.1.5+ Compatible with emoji icons on moosocial 3.1.5.+ Fixed the major css issues in dark mode (mooSocial 3.1.5+).+ Changed...
The information regarding this installation or upgrade component is incorrect ,
Even after 5 years I did not manage to upgrade this component alone
It is difficult for you to mention:
1. the way to replace the port
2. the path to ssl replacementthis component requires advanced knowledge for installation or upgraderequires regular assistance from moosocial, for a fee...  more
Regarding MooChat
Most of us own this moochat txt component
every time I encounter the same problem with updates, nothing works anymore, and must be reconfigured by your team
It seems that updating this component is a real challenge
1. the information in the update file does not work or is incorrect
2 as you know port 3000 was not and will not be available on any hosting


From the Chat admin panel, make a way to set the new port that will run the chat. plus adding two new...  more
Version 1.7 is released and available to download at client area, a few bugs are fixed and changes are made to make it works with mooMessenger app.
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