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Monetize your Social Network! Reward your members for posting social media content and interaction with each others though the Credit Plugins. Then users can also spend their credit via Virtual Gifts addons which allows them to send Virtual Gifts to friends on Birthdays, Valentine's Day, Christmas' to engage in social interaction. Gifts can be free or priced by points and not only a photo, but also a video or even a music.

Purchase link:

Have ideas, suggestions, questions regarding this plugin? Please job group and post them here.

Recent Activities

Nhân Nguyễn   created a new topic
Virtual Gifts Plugin Version 1.8 is released
Compatibility: mooosical 3.2.0   Change log: + Compatible with mooSocial 3.2.0+ Compatible with mooApp 1.9   Please download the new version at
Nhân Nguyễn   created a new topic
Virtual Gifts Plugin Version 1.7 is released
Compatibility: mooosical 3.1.8   Change log: + Improved: Show Create New Gift button if user doesn't have permission.+ Improved: Send gift button on profile+ Added: new option in...
Virtual Gifts Plugin
Monetize your Social Network! Reward your members for posting social media content and interaction with each others...
Nhân Nguyễn   created a new topic
Virtual Gifts Plugin Version 1.6 is released
Virtual Gifts Plugin Version 1.6 is released Compatible : moosocial 3.1.5 and mooapp 1.5 Change log: + Compatible with mooSocial 3.1.5+ Compatible with mooApp 1.5+ Integrated Gifts plugin...
I want to add a new gift in the gift admin. You have 2 possibilities to upload images. See screenshot. 1 = the gift picture itself.. and 2 the thumbnail. I expect, that the thumbnail is displayed in the gift overview (all gifts and categories) and if you select a gift then the bigger image should be displayed which you uploaded by 1.

This doesn't work like this. The image which you upload by 1 isn't used. Only the thumbnail is displayed.. which seems like a bug. Mark
Virtual Gifts Plugin Version 1.5 is released
Virtual Gifts Plugin Version 1.5 is released Compatible : moosocial 3.1.2 and mooapp 1.3 Change log: + Added send gift button to member profile+ Applied 'Import Categories' feature+ Compatible...
Virtual Gifts Plugin
Monetize your Social Network! Reward your members for posting social media content and interaction with each others...
Virtual Gifts Plugin
Monetize your Social Network! Reward your members for posting social media content and interaction with each others...
Virtual Gifts Plugin Version 1.4 is released
Virtual Gifts Plugin Version 1.4 is released Change log: v1.4 + Compatible with 3.0.1 + Compatible with MooApp 1.2 Please go to for more details
Getting file upload error when creating gift. Yes, I have set the file permissions correctly.
Please see this screenshot to know which folder you should set write permission if it still does not work after changing permission please submit ticket.
Are the gifts supposed to show on the persons profile who received the gifts to show how many gifts they get ? i can not find a block for that ?
Virtual Gifts Plugin
Monetize your Social Network! Reward your members for posting social media content and interaction with each others...
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