
Public (anyone can view and join)
The User Badges module allows each user to be assigned 'badge' which will be displayed at user profile page and profile popup. User Badges can be used as a way to establish trust, or as an incentive for users. They can also be a quick way to identify moderators, administrators, or anyone with a given role. Badge can be attached to a role by the administrator so that, for example, all users in the 'admin' role will show the 'Administrator' badge.
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User Badges plugin
The User Badges module allows each user to be assigned 'badge' which will be displayed at user profile page and profile...
Nhân Nguyễn   created a new topic
User Badges plugin Version 1.6 is released
Compatibility: mooSocial 3.1.8   Change log: + Compatible with mooSocial 3.1.8+ Compatible with mooApp 1.8.1   Please download the new version at   
User Badges plugin Version 1.5 is release
User Badges plugin Version 1.5 is release Change log: + integrate with mooSocial 3.1.5+ integrate with mooApp 1.5 Please download a new version at
User Badges plugin Version 1.4 is release
User Badges plugin Version 1.4 is release Change log: + Fixed some layout bugs+ Compatible with 3.1.2+ Integrated mobile App version 1.3+ Applied 'Date time' format of mooSocial to plugin+...
Hi is there any way to make these bigger on the profile or more visible?

You can drag and dop the "reward badges" into member profile thru layout editor. See attached screenshot please,
Where is the posting of the new plugin update which I replied on yesterday?
seems that I deleted by mistake. The issue you asked has not fixed yet. Will fix at next version.
User Badges plugin
The User Badges module allows each user to be assigned 'badge' which will be displayed at user profile page and profile...
User Badges plugin Version 1.3 is release
User Badges plugin Version 1.3 is release Change log: + fixed some bugs+ Compatible with 3.0.2+ Integrated mobile App version 1.2 Please go to detail.
User Badges plugin
The User Badges module allows each user to be assigned 'badge' which will be displayed at user profile page and profile...
Just to let everyone know I have just finished a short video on how the User Badges Plugin works hope this helps you...
User Badges plugin
The User Badges module allows each user to be assigned 'badge' which will be displayed at user profile page and profile...
How does award badges work? I don't see a place where I can assign award badges to users.
Please help. thanks.
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