
Public (anyone can view and join)
User notes is a powerful plugin that allows your members to add private notes on any member's profile. The notes are ONLY visible to the creator (profile owner can't see notes from other members about him/her). It is especially handy for Membership Sites where you may have thousands of members to deal with and need to remember special circumstances for them
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User notes plugin
User notes is a powerful plugin that allows your members to add private notes on any member's profile. The notes are ONLY...
Nhân Nguyễn   created a new topic
User notes plugin Version 1.9 is released
Compatibility: mooSocial 3.2.0   Change log: + Compatible with mooSocial 3.2.0+ Compatible with mooApp 1.9   Please download the new version at 
User notes plugin
User notes is a powerful plugin that allows your members to add private notes on any member's profile. The notes are ONLY...
Nhân Nguyễn   created a new topic
User notes plugin Version 1.8 is released
Compatibility: mooSocial 3.1.8   Change log: + Compatible with mooSocial 3.1.8+ Compatible with mooApp 1.8.2   Please download the new version...
User notes plugin Version 1.7 is release
User notes plugin Version 1.7 is release Support moosocial version: 3.1.5 Change log: + Support moosocial 3.1.5 Importance Note: This new version is not tested on mobile app yet. Don't...
User notes plugin Version 1.6 is release
User notes plugin Version 1.6 is release Support moosocial version: 3.0.1 to 3.1.2 Change log: + News Function: Allow Private note on myself profile+ Fix issue: cannot response the add...
I'm sorry but the "cannot response the add friend request¨ is not fixed with this update. Installed on 3.0.2 with origin theme.
I am having an issue with my usernotes showing up on a user's profile. I have enabled the plugin, placed the usernote block on the profile page in the layout editor and enabled the user group access appropriately. When I go to a user's profile page as an admin, I can see the note area, click the edit pencil and write a note then save it. 

However, this block with the message can not be seen by the user on their profile page. Am I missing a step? Why isn't this working? And where is the Usernote...  more
Can someone please explain to me how this plugin works? I have it installed and enabled in the plugins manager, but I don't see how to use it at all on the site. If someone could post a screen grab and a brief explanation that would be great.
User notes plugin
User notes is a powerful plugin that allows your members to add private notes on any member's profile. The notes are ONLY...
Is this plugin compatible with 3.0.2?
User notes plugin
User notes is a powerful plugin that allows your members to add private notes on any member's profile. The notes are ONLY...
User notes plugin Version 1.5 is release
User notes plugin Version 1.5 is release Change log: + Integrated mobile apps version 1.2 Please go to detail.
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