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Check-In plugin allows users to post statuses with check-in ability to specific locations. It will display a status with a map of that location. It's also integrated with the business module. So while people check-in, they can select a specific business instead of a location. When members check-in, they also can `tag` any friends on the social network who are with them, essentially letting other friends know that the person is there, too. It allows to include a photo which is supported by the wall.

Have ideas, suggestions, questions regarding this plugin? Please post them here.

Nhân Nguyễn   created a new topic
Check-In plugin version 1.7 is released
Compatibility: mooSocial 3.2.0   Change log: + Compatible with mooSocial 3.2.0+ Compatible with mooApp 1.9   Please download the new version at 
Nhân Nguyễn   created a new topic
Check-In plugin version 1.6.1 is released
Compatibility: mooSocial 3.1.8   Change log: + Compatible with moosocial 3.1.8+ Compatible with mooApp 1.8.2+ Removed: "Auto show maps" setting   Please download the new version...
Hello Hhan

Thank you for the Update. I have updated my site Checkin plugin.
Check in plugin
Check-In plugin allows users to post statuses with check-in ability to specific locations. It will display a status with...
Nhân Nguyễn   created a new topic
Check-In plugin version 1.6 is released
Change log:   + Removed: The tooltip on Mobile App & Mobile Web+ Improved: Using map screenshots instead of Javascript API (similar to Facebook)+ Compatible with mooApp 1.8.1   Please...
Check in plugin
Check-In plugin allows users to post statuses with check-in ability to specific locations. It will display a status with...
Check in plugin Version 1.5 is release
Check in plugin Version 1.5 is release Change log: + Support moosocial 3.1.5+ Support Auto detect location of upload image+ Support Can post check-in without message Importance Note: This...
Chick in plugin Version 1.4.1 is released
Change log:   + Fixed issue: position on What's new   Importance Note: You will need to install "moo313-Patch"" if you're using mooSocial version = 3.1.3 . You can download the...
Check in plugin Version 1.4 is release
Check in plugin Version 1.4 is release Change log: + Optimized source code and Integrated with other plugins to make sure they work well together at what's new box.   Please download the new...
Check in plugin Version 1.3 is release
Check in pluginVersion 1.3 is release Change log: + Support moosocial 3.0.1+ Integrated mobile apps version 1.2 Please go to detail.
Check in plugin
Check-In plugin allows users to post statuses with check-in ability to specific locations. It will display a status with...
French translation for v1.1 is done
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