I would like to change the thumbs icon for "Like" to some custom icon as thumbs up wouldn't suit my purpose. Any suggestions on how to achieve this?Thanks in Advance.
Do EMail notifications get sent out to user when item likes ot internal message received. I use Sendgrid and can see mails going out for new user signups and bulk mail messages, but nothing for ...
While Number of item to show is 5 indicates 6 is an error?
A question when a member changes the profile photo, Why does not the photo appear Changing your profile photo was done through the mobile app
you will see most sites when signup country lists are on alphabet order, but for some reason United States on top of the list like that,if you can make English language on top then it will be easy...
I had a user try to share what I had posted and was not able to. they are able to like the information and comment but not share to their wall or anywhere else............Did I forget to check some...
Is Mooserver.js needed for anything other than MooChat Plugin? I’ve disabled Moochat, but Mooserver is still maxing out my processor and I’m needing to know if I will lose functionality...
Hi, I just noticed that for the plugin "Questions" there is no history in "activity log".1) Is there any other plug in like that?2) If a user asks to download these data ,are all plugins concern...
Currently there is a maximum total items which can be displayed on the global and users timeline after you scroll down and the load more is several times automatically loaded. I have 2 questions: ...
Hello everyone, i want my site to be having all contents such as music, radios, videos/movies, live tv and others which are already available on moosocial. Is it possible for video section ...