Aws Task Transfer Error

Greetings All,
I'm struggling to understand why the Aws Task Transfer has to be run manually?  When I check the box it will run, transfer a large volume of files, then go back to the 'x' status.
I've setup the cron jobs so they no longer give errors, however this one doesn't make sense to me.
Thanks for your help.
Russ de Ment Basic on 04/17/17 at 16:57 in Other
1 Answer(s)

Assume that the AWS Task Transfer is run automatically , the admin will get problem in case he want to test AWS feature before he decide to use it  .

If his site has many users , blogs , topics , groups …  before enabling AWS Storage  and he just want to test the AWS feature with basic action : create new user , blog , topic … in his social site .  He must wait all images to be pushed to Amazon S3 before he  starts testing .

Duy Duy (mooTechnicalTeam) Basic on 04/17/17 at 23:21
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