general users message

does anyone know how i can send general messages to my users, which would show on their home page ?
Nikita Erukunuakpor Basic on 12/07/17 at 13:17 in mooSocial features
2 Answer(s)
You can put your message in a "html block" and put it in the Home page. Your users will see it every time they landed there. Hope it helps!
Ryan Nguyen Basic on 12/07/17 at 21:45 Edited
Please follow this tutorial on how to use the Layout Editor and to add an "HTML block" to your Home page
on 12/08/17 at 01:53
i hope it wouldnt be too much to ask if you cann give me a step by step follow through instruction, with the html block
Nikita Erukunuakpor Basic on 12/07/17 at 23:03
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