  OK here is my question, its about when I goto the Layout editor and insert a HTML block to the header section, that works ok however I try to add code the change the background color it changes the whole site all I want it to change only the area within the header?
VinnyS Basic on 01/06/18 at 11:12 in mooSocial templates
2 Answer(s)
Best answer
If you put the style into a div then the background color and other options stay within this div element, for example put this code into the HTML block:
<div style="font-size:14px; text-align:left; font-weight:normal; padding: 15px; margin:0; background:#CCCCCC;">
Put your text here
ketkew Bronze badges on 01/06/18 at 13:51 Edited
Work perfect thank you.....
VinnyS Basic on 01/06/18 at 15:24
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