Landingpage plugin symbols

is there anyone who can tell me how to replace the middle and the symbol on the right?
I want to change this symbols in a mobile Phone symbol and a shop symbol in green.

Dimitri Basic on 01/13/18 at 09:47 in mooSocial plugins
3 Answer(s)
Hi Dimitri , can you give me your site URL so I can check it for you , Thanks
Long Tran Basic on 01/15/18 at 04:37
Hello Long
Thanks for your answer.
Now i have the follow problem --> see picture
The symbols are not in my circle. What can i do to fix this problem?

Dimitri Basic on 01/14/18 at 04:14
Hi , You can go to admincp and follow this breadcrumb  Home -> Plugins Manager  -> Landing Theme Manager -> Manage Custom Laniding > Feature Block
Then , you can scroll to edit " Block 1 Material Icon Class " and go to and choose which Icons you want and replace Classname of that icon . Save and refresh your landing page to apply change .

Long Tran Basic on 01/14/18 at 00:28
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