[MOOSOCIAL-3265] How to enable email notifications when user gets an message?

I think it is very important, that one get's an email notification, when someone else sends you a message in moosocial, because if you get notified, you would likely log in and read the message or reply. This is a great tool to get people back to your social network. But everything I have tried did not send a notification, when I received a message. Just when someone wanted to friend with me or something. So, is there a way to turn email notifications on, when receiving an message on moosocial by another user?
David Seifert Basic on 07/26/16 at 17:08 in mooSocial features
2 Answer(s)
Best answer
Added this request into pool features for next coming versions.
Mark Gold badges on 07/26/16 at 21:52
Huh... Do I miss something because I do receive emails once a user send me a message?! I have set smtp settings for my server and use cron for the basic tasks.
ketkew Bronze badges on 08/03/16 at 17:00
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