Integration Problem

I have a weird problem. I think it's a bug with my moo slideshow.
I integrated a radio player to my moo and there is a JS code that I have to integrate it to 'Integration' field to make ''RECENT SONGS'' list live and work but when I place this code, my moo slideshow goes nuts and never loads again.

This is the code I have to add to INTEGRATIONS:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

This is the HTML code to show recent playing song:
<div class="cc_recenttracks_list" data-username="proxius">Loading ...</div>
Apparently Moo support doesn't help when another code conflicts their codes. But they don't even come with a solution. They basically say ''don't use the code''. ??? lol.
Anyway. So, do you guys have any idea to tweak things up and make this code run without stopping the slideshow?
Buğra Bodur Basic on 06/21/18 at 03:59 in mooSocial features
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