Google sign-in button



   Google Sign-In Branding


Dear Developer,


on your app’s homepage URL is not compliant with the Google sign-in branding guidelines. Please update the Google sign-in button on your website according to the Google sign-in branding guidelines and then reply back to this email.We have taken the liberty of attaching a screenshot of your website’s login page that is in violation of Google’s sign-in branding guidelines.

We’ll review the Google sign-in button on your website again. If it meets the requirements listed in the branding guidelines, we will move forward with the review process.

Thank you for patience. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions.

Flesh Basic on 12/17/18 at 22:43 Edited in mooSocial plugins
2 Answer(s)
I think google is crazy and asking for unreasonable thingscool
GeorgiosT Bronze badges on 12/17/18 at 23:42
How do we have to do it?
a tutorial how can we replace the button?
Flesh Basic on 12/17/18 at 23:09
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