
Have quick question on currency of products.
I want to use Korean Won as the default currency.
However, in Korean currency, there are no decimals.
How do you remove decimals in the currency?
Kim Basic on 07/03/19 at 23:51 in mooSocial features
1 Answer(s)
For pricing of product, you need to enter integer number . Don't use decimal number like 1.2 usd/won...
See more details at
Mark Gold badges on 07/04/19 at 22:20

Kim Basic

I didn't use decimal numbers for the products. Say if I put 200 won for the price, it still displays as 200.00 won.
I don't want that .XX behind the actual number. Is there a way to remove this?
on 07/04/19 at 22:31
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