Theme: MooMom

On my Theme on landing page, i have 3 round images.
Question: How do i change the images ?

I have looked in the sites Server and found the file locations for the images but i am not able to change the images.

Question 2: What am i doing wrong or what am i not doing ?
Many Thanks


Mikel Coreclark Basic on 03/15/23 at 11:20 in mooSocial plugins
3 Answer(s)
Hello. still can not alter images. I must be doing wrong.
Mikel Coreclark Basic on 03/22/23 at 12:30
These pictures are located here
Andree Bui Basic on 03/16/23 at 23:06
How do i add image into file cat0, cat1, cat2 ?.
on 03/17/23 at 11:13
Thank you Andree.

That is the locations i am looking at. But i could not alter the images.
I will have another try and respond to you again with update.
Many Thanks
Mikel Coreclark Basic on 03/17/23 at 10:56
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