How-to Change Text Phrases on Landing Page

This tutorial shows you how to change text phrases shown on the landing page of the Default theme. We will change the phrases highlighted in the red box to the phrased highlighted in the orange box or to anything you’d like.

Frist, we would need to get the file “default.po” from your web server. It is located in app/Locale/eng/LC_MESSAGES.

Use any text editors to open and edit this file but make sure it can be saved in its original format with .po extension. We recommend using poedit, notepad++ or sublime text.

In edit mode, locate the phrase you would like to change and input your changes in the quotation mark of its msgtr string. Be sure not to change the original text in msgid string. Make sure you are familiar with Gettext system for proper syntax and format before making changes.

Save default.po file and upload it back to your web server after all changes have been made.

Reload your site or open it in a new browser to see changes.

This concludes the tutorial, Please leave any questions or comment below. Thank you for watching!

Location of default.po: …/app/Locale/eng/LC_MESSAGES
Gettext System:
Posted by Ryan Nguyen in Default Category on 11/11/16 at 23:12  ·  Public
Comments (20)
The folder structure does take some investigating to understand it... I find it a little hard.
You might want to look into cakephp if you want to familiarize with our structure. This is off the subject however. Please create a new question if it is unrelated to this video. Thanks!
I've made edits to the and refreshed everything but the edits are being shown. Specifically I have the "groups" wording. I'm using the dark theme. Is the location still app/Locale/eng/LC_MESSAGE?
Hi Mark,

We do not use file, we only use default.po file. If you transage your default.po and clear global cache but new phrases are not apply, please submit a ticket we will help you to check.

figured it out. Basically after making changes to the Default.po I saved using POEdit and it compiled the I then moved both .po and .mo to the Locale folder location and it worked.
This did not work for me, any suggestions?
I take that back, just went to my site again and boom it's there. Is that a cache issue?
But I would like to know how to add an image as the background. Help on this?
Long Tran   
Hi Don , you can go app\webroot\theme\YOURTHEME\css\custom.css to add css .
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