I'd like to suggest improvements to the way emojis work. Specifically, it would be nice to see a more user-friendly way to access the emoji list. Users are often confused that the emojis they type from their phone keyboards disappear when they post, and most don't simply discover on their own that they can type emojis when starting with the : character.
To improve this, I suggest a button near the add photos/tag people buttons or the share button that would bring up the emoji list. That way people would realize it is there and could choose emojis from the list without needing to type : to bring up some options and :[first letter] to refine the list to emojis starting with that letter (which only works with lowercase letters as well).
An alternative would be to allow emojis from phone emoji keyboards to display rather than disappear, but this need would be less if the mooSocial emojis were easier to use.

Comments (5)
Support for Apple / Android emojis would be good
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