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Looking for a Complete Solution for Social Network & Dating Site Combine but can’t find one? Check out our new turnkey solution called mooDating here. The mooDating is built on top of mooSocial platform, it includes mooSocial core, dating template, dating related plugins (nearby, profile matching….), Android, IOS and some custom features that are specially designed for online dating business. Everything is inside one installation package so that you can set it up in minutes.


See more details about mooDating here


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When will you be updating mooDating to v3.2.0?
mooDating 1.3 is official released. More details can check at
mooDating script 1.3 official release
We are pleased to announce the release of mooDating 1.3 and mobile dating app mooDating 1.3 comes with a new default theme called classic and a...
I was hoping that mooDating provided clean separation between free and paid user accounts. In the admin panel under subscription I attempted to delete the Premium package yet it still shows. If I have only the free type of account selected then I'm hoping all of the user interface information about credits, increase popularity, and my popularity will no longer display.

Is there a simple way to eliminate everything related to the aforementioned or is it necessary for me to start digging in the...  more
I made a lot of progress on this by modifying the cake PHP source code. We can chat sometime.
Bug on the "/popularity" page! If you look at the screenshot attached the text I have marked in green can be edited in the Language Manager ok but the text marked red cannot, however the text I have marked 1,2,3 are in the Language Manager but have no effect even after clearing the cache.

I have even found the template file: app/View/Themed/Default/Plugin/Dating/Dating/index.ctp
The message you see is "Please complete your profile to hide this warning message!", it's because you have not filled in your profile, I have the Profile Completion plugin setup okay?
mooDating - DatingScript Solution
Looking for a Complete Solution for Social Network & Dating Site Combine but can’t find one? Check out our new...
I have just noticed my contact page does not work. When I fill it in and click send I get the message "Thank you, your message has been sent!" but I get no email. All other emails seem to be working, so am I missing a setting somewhere in Admin that disables/enables it?
mooDating - DatingScript Solution
Looking for a Complete Solution for Social Network & Dating Site Combine but can’t find one? Check out our new...
Hi, just noticed a small spelling mistake on the Register page (, It says "Already had an account!" but it should say"Already have an account!". I tried to edit it in the Languages Manager but it is not there so I can only presume it has been hard coded. See screenshot.
Which page am I supposed to put the "Profile Rating plugin" widget on?
Hi, I am a little confused after purchasing the Profile Rating plugin and whether I have installed the correct version? As my mooDating site is run on mooSocial v3.1.7 I have installed "Profile Rating – moo-Review-1.5 for moosocial 3.1.5+" as in my Admin panel, however, on another page you say;

"Profile Rating plugin Profile Rating – moo-Review-1.5 for moosocial 3.1.5+ is released
Compatibility: mooosical 3.1.8 Change log: + Compatible with mooSocial 3.1.8+ Compatible with mooApp 1.8.2 Pleas...  more
I purchased your "People Nearby/Who near me" plugin and when I tried to install it I get the following error message as in the screenshot below:

SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'ss_user_saved_searches' already exists

I downloaded "People Nearby/Who near me – whonearme plugin v1.3 for moosocial 3.1.6+" as my site is mooSocial v3.1.7.

I need some help please?
OK thank you very much for installing it for me, all appears ok. May I ask why it would not load when I tried?
Question! I notice in my Admin panel that my mooDating is up to date with v1.2, however, in the bottom right it says it is running on mooSocial v3.1.7, why is it not running on the latest version of mooSocial 3.1.8?
the core is still 3.1.7, we will upgrade to 3.1.8 at next version 1.3.
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