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Twitter & LinkedIn Social Login allows your users to register or login on using their existing Twitter & LinkedIn social accounts IDs, eliminating the need to fill out too many info at registration forms and remember usernames and passwords.
Have ideas, suggestions, questions regarding this plugin? Please post them here.
Twitter and LinkedIn Social Login plugin Version 1.4 is release
Twitter and LinkedIn Social Login plugin Version 1.4 is release Change log:+ Support mooSocial 3.1.5 Importance Note: This new version is not tested on mobile app yet. Don't upgrade if you're...
Twitter and LinkedIn Social Login plugin Version 1.3 is release
Twitter and LinkedIn Social Login plugin Version 1.3 is release Change log:+ Fixed: Check and apply 'Date time' format of mooSocial to the plugin+ Fixed: Currently, Twitter Login get username's...
Twitter and LinkedIn Social Login plugin Version 1.2 is release
Twitter and LinkedIn Social Login plugin Version 1.2 is release Change log:+ Upgraded Linkedin API to version 2.0 + Fixed issue can not get profile image url (Twitter Login) Please go...
Twitter and LinkedIn Social Login plugin
Twitter & LinkedIn Social Loginallows your users to register or login on using their existing Twitter & LinkedIn...
Hello group.

Thinking about adding this. Appreciate that it is purely a method of identity management, but is there any road map to have this method pull in any other details from LinkedIn, specifically profile pictures and the LinkeIn bios.

Then going back the other way, I now MooSocial can push updates to FB and Twitter, but could it also send "branded" posts back to LinkedIn as well?

we're updating the social login plugin to make it works with latest api changes. Will release soon.
Twitter and LinkedIn Social Login plugin
Twitter & LinkedIn Social Loginallows your users to register or login on using their existing Twitter & LinkedIn...
Twitter and LinkedIn Social Login plugin
Twitter & LinkedIn Social Loginallows your users to register or login on using their existing Twitter & LinkedIn...
Nhu Nguyen   created a new topic
Integration Settings
Integration Settings Linkedin App Integration tutorial Go to Login & select My Apps/ Create Application Complete information about your app #1:...
There is a problem with it Social Publisher

Link to Twitter does not work displays a white page, there is someone else with the same problem

Only me, I have this problem
Twitter and LinkedIn Social Login plugin
Twitter & LinkedIn Social Loginallows your users to register or login on using their existing Twitter & LinkedIn...
How about adding a few additional login options - moosocial now has linkedin, twitter, facebook and google. Would be great to add Telegram as well!
Twitter and LinkedIn Social Login plugin
Twitter & LinkedIn Social Loginallows your users to register or login on using their existing Twitter & LinkedIn...
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