In group: Twitter and LinkedIn Social Login plugin

Integration Settings

  1. Linkedin App Integration tutorial

    1. Go to
    2. Login & select My Apps/ Create Application
    3. Complete information about your app

      • #1: Fill in your company's name
        #2: Fill in your app's name
        #3: Write description
        #4: Upload application logo
        #5: Select application
        #6: Fill in your site's domain
        #7: Input email
        #8: Input number phone
        #9: Press on Submit 
    4. Enter redirect URL

      • #1: Enter URL in the following format: [yoursite/sociallogin/endpoint/linkedin?hauth.done=Linkedin]. Then press Add
        #2: Press Update 
    5. Go to Admin Dashboard/Social Login/Linkedin

    6. Get #1 and #2 from Linked app and copy to your Admin Dashboard/Social Login/Linkedin

      • #1: Your Client ID from Linkedin (in your Linked app/ Authentication)
        #2: Your Client Secret from Linkedin (in your Linked app/ Authentication)
    7. Press Save Settings. Complete Linkedin integration process


        *Remember to check if any space in the fields.

        *Remember your site could be [https] instead of [http], they will not recognize if site was [https] and Client ID & Admin Dashboard were [http].

  2. Twitter App Integration tutorial

    1. Go to
    2. Login & Create New App
    3. Complete information about your app

      • #1: Fill in your app's name
        #2: Write description
        #3: Fill in your site's domain
        #4: Enter URL in the following format: [yoursite/sociallogin/endpoint/twitter?hauth.done=Twitter]
        #5: Press Create your Twitter application
    4. After creating the application successful, go to Settings tab

      • #1: Your callback url which has the format: [url your website]/sociallogin/endpoint/twitter?hauth.done=Twitter
      • #2: Your callback url which has the format: [url your website]/social_publisher/social_publishers/shareendpoint/twitter?hauth.done=Twitter   
      • #3: Enter Privacy Policy 
      • #4: Enter Terms of Service 
        #5: Un-check "Enable Callback Locking"
        #6: Scroll down then press Update Settings
    5. Go to Permission tab

      • #1: Check "Read, Write and Access direct messages"
        #2: Check "Request email addresses from users"
        #3: Press Update Settings
    6. Go to Admin Dashboard/Social Login/Twitter

    7. Get #1 and #2 from Twitter app and copy to your Admin Dashboard/Social Login/Twitter 

      • #1: Your Consumer Key (API Key) from Twitter (in your Twitter app/ Keys and Access Tokens)
        #2: Your Consumer Secret (API Secret) from Twitter (in your Twitter app/ Keys and Access Token)
    8. Press Save settings. Complete Twitter integration process


        *Remember to check if any space in the fields.

        *Remember your site could be [https] instead of [http], they will not recognize if site was [https] and Client ID & Admin Dashboard were [http].

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