Browse Questions

  • I'm having difficulty with the pages manager plugin. When I am creating a page, and switch to 'source code' view, I can enter the source code I would like. However, after I have saved the page an...

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    Russ de Ment Basic on 04/27/17 at 14:35 in mooSocial features
  • Greetings All, I'm struggling to understand why the Aws Task Transfer has to be run manually? When I check the box it will run, transfer a large volume of files, then go back to the 'x' status. ...

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    Russ de Ment Basic on 04/17/17 at 16:57 in Other
  • @Mark, This is part 2 of What is the nature of mobile apps? since I don't have enough points to comment on your answer. We have extended the MooSocial core and added a required field to signups. Do...

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    Reid Cardwell Basic on 04/17/17 at 08:44 in Android app
  • Hello All; I need some help with this one. I had setup a cron job (for i in {1..100}; do cd /home/admin/web/*siteremoved*.com/public_html/app/ & Console/cake cron run 3FSE@; done) for the am...

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    Russ de Ment Basic on 04/15/17 at 09:12 in Other
  • Is ChatApp 1.2 not compatible with mooSocial 2.6.0?

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    News Bug Basic on 04/13/17 at 16:10 in mooSocial plugins
  • What is DNS Query? Explain the types of DNS queries? Thanks,I didn't find the right solution from the internet.References:- - Datacenter M...

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    Robert Hans Basic on 04/13/17 at 05:51 in Other
  • How many max tape drives having a media server? Thanks,I didn't find the right solution from the internet.References:- - Field M...

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    Robert Hans Basic on 04/13/17 at 05:48 in Other
  • What is meant by active directory? Thanks,I didn't find the right solution from the internet.References:- - International Trade VideoExamples

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    Robert Hans Basic on 04/13/17 at 05:44 in Server - hosting
  • How can I ensure that email notifications are sent to users when someone messages or comments or likes etc. At the moment this doesn't happen.

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    Fab F Basic on 04/11/17 at 02:02 in mooSocial features
  • What is the limit of mooSocial with member size and how does it perform once a lot of members have joined? I realize the server has a lot to do with it, but with the new S3/CDN setup it should be a...

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    Gary and Rhonda Basic on 04/07/17 at 19:05 in Server - hosting
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