Browse Questions

  • Is there any option that we can use for password complexity?     Such as :3 types of symbols must be used in the password: numbers (0–9), uppercase letters, lowercase letters and special charac...

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    Bonuskg Basic on 02/24/20 at 06:22 in mooSocial features
  • Hi all,   I want to use email digestion for my site.  There is bulk mail for it but it is no automation. Is there anu other tool for it?

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    Bonuskg Basic on 02/19/20 at 03:42 in mooSocial features
  • We translate our sytem but some headers do not accept translation.   Recently joined, Who's online, What's new, Popolar videos,...    All of them are headers. What is the way to translate them?...

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    Bonuskg Basic on 02/12/20 at 12:45 in mooSocial features
  • is it possible to force users add their address, zip code and tel number during registration? Also is it possible to update required fiels?

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    Bonuskg Basic on 02/11/20 at 04:09 in mooSocial features
  • I want to send bulk mail but it is not working. For the same text test is working. I add this line to crontab , could u help me?   1 * * * * root wget -qO- 'http://www.*****.com/cron/task/run?ke...

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    Bonuskg Basic on 02/11/20 at 04:03 in mooSocial features
  • I'd like to be able to add an image when sending a message to a member. Currently, I can do this within a message thread, however the first message sent to a member does not give an option to incl...

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    BrianD Basic on 01/17/20 at 05:01 in mooSocial features
  • What is the difference between mooStore and mooSocial + Store Plugin ?

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    Frederik Lawson Basic on 12/29/19 at 08:39 in mooSocial features
  • Doing a google search for my site shows that you are displaying html code more_vert in the results   There is some reasonable explanation to this      

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    GeorgiosT Bronze badges on 11/16/19 at 00:38 in mooSocial features
  • hello, where can you set that you get only one city displayed per timezone?

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    Jens Steinführer Basic on 10/23/19 at 01:33 in mooSocial features
  • Hi, Is there a way to have groups in alphabetical order and not by creation date on group homepage ?

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    Mike Basic on 10/15/19 at 16:50 in mooSocial features
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