Disable "Invite friends" feature?

Hi there!
Is there an easy way to disable the "Invite friends" feature?
I.e. I want to create a closed community where the admin sets up all the users, but self-registration shall not be possible.
Thus, users shouldn't see these fields (see picture) and they shouldn't be able to make email invites.
Thanks for your help!

Domenico Rosso Basic on 03/21/17 at 03:35 in mooSocial features
2 Answer(s)
There is no option in admincp for you to disable this feature now. Will add this option into system settings at next versions.  For the time being, we will help you hide it by changing file directly. Please send request to  moo@moosocial.com 
Mark Gold badges on 03/21/17 at 07:30
Thanks for your answer Mark!
Is there a time plan for when the next version with this feature will be released?
Domenico Rosso Basic on 03/23/17 at 07:04
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