Storage stuck on "Sync in progress"

Hello, I have been playing around with the new storage system for Amazon S3, however I can not properly sync anything because "Sync in progress" has been going, and it wont stop. It's attempting to sync 1,000 files, and it has not made any progress in 24 hours. I am unable to abort the sync, I have attempted to reinstall the storage plugin, but that didnt help, it is still stuck on "Sync in progress"
Chris Silversmith Basic on 03/24/17 at 17:48 in mooSocial features
Have had same issues. I'm using v3.1.0 and nothing is being transferred to S3 bucket. Everything says "Ok" when I setup the bucket in moosocial. And I can also paste the link shown in the wget command and it says cron has run successfully. But nothing is transferring even after manually pasting it.

Step by step documentation is needed please. What documentation that is included with mooSocial is lacking a whole bunch.

How do you stop the "Sync in progress"? and start again from scratch? I've...  more
on 04/12/19 at 14:44
4 Answer(s)
Please make sure that you set up Cron correctly on your server  . For more information , you can see yoursite/admin/cron/cron_settings.
Duy Duy (mooTechnicalTeam) Basic on 03/24/17 at 22:57
I'm having the same problem. Over 48 hours and nothing arriving in my bucket.
I've edited my crontab and checked the logs ... the wget command supplied which I pasted is running every minute as Root.
Yet the Aws Task and Aws Task Transfer indicates both have never succeeded and both have  never failed.
Any other suggestions?
A How to Guide would be helpful. @duy duy Duy Duy (mooTechnicalTeam)
Geoff Forster Basic on 03/25/17 at 07:26 Edited
If I use the second crontab command I get an error email - /bin/sh: Console/cake: not found
if I cd to the app folder and run sudo bash Console/cake cron run 3FSE@   the script executes but nothing transfers to Aws the tasks aren't run
Geoff Forster Basic on 03/25/17 at 09:51 Edited
You can try this : * * * * * for i in {1..100}; do cd yoursite/public_html/app/ && Console/cake cron run 3FSE@; done
on 03/26/17 at 20:16
Until all plugins are 2.6 compatible and it seems like S3 still having issues, IM sticking with 2.5.x :)
Jack Mack Basic on 03/26/17 at 18:04
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