PHP/HTML in pages plugin

I'm having difficulty with the pages manager plugin.  When I am creating a page, and switch to 'source code' view, I can enter the source code I would like.  However, after I have saved the page and go back, it has all been erased.  I'd like to insert some php code, or even some static html, but it keeps wiping everything out except for the text.  I've even gone so far as enter the html in the field directly in phpmyadmin, however it still doesn't work.
It would seem the 'correct' way to do what I would like to do is to create a new plugin, however I don't believe what I'm trying to do warrants the complication.
Any help getting more than text/ images/ links to come up from the pages plugin would be helpful.  Thank you!
Russ de Ment Basic on 04/27/17 at 14:35 in mooSocial features
2 Answer(s)
Can't add php code into page for security reason.  You can add html/image and link into it without any problems.
Mark Gold badges on 04/28/17 at 00:51
You can add php code into a separate file and link it via iframe. This is not optimal but for certain things probably a solution.
a plugin as you suggested would be cool.. also for widgets
ketkew Bronze badges on 04/28/17 at 01:38
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