Where are we at with bug fixes / 2.6.1?

Last week was the promise date; are we getting close to a working 2.6.1?  Thanks.
Russ de Ment Basic on 05/15/17 at 12:35 in Other
2 Answer(s)
I'm sure they are working feverishly on getting bugs out and making sure it's as stable as can be. Just when you think you're nearly ready to release it, you find another bug or two and then you're back for another week or two of working it out. I'm sure that is the case here. I am also anxious to get this upgrade. I'm sure we all are.
Asking for a release date just asks for more disappointment if they don't meet that date. I've reserved myself to just waiting for that wonderful day when they announce it's ready. I would rather not rush them. I would rather have it thoroughly tested and done right. 
The only reason it's not done yet is because it's not thoroughly tested and done right yet. I applaud them for taking the time to make sure it's done right. I would rather they break a promised release date than release a script that is not thoroughly tested.
Hang in there. I'm sure they are very close to announcing this fabulous release.  
Mike Reynolds Basic on 05/15/17 at 19:08
It's ready. We will announce it very soon. Next will be compatible with 2.6 plugins. 
Mark Gold badges on 05/15/17 at 20:56
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