mooSocial 2.6.2 infomation??

I just noticed a new update 2.6.2 showed up in my downloads, but I can't find any info at all on it. No change announcement, nothing.
Anyone know where the info is on this update? I kind of like to know before I update.
Mike Reynolds Basic on 09/09/17 at 21:21 in Other
2 Answer(s)
Good question cool
ketkew Bronze badges on 09/10/17 at 05:21
I did upgrade because I had a problem with Gateways Manage
on the ticket I opened, he answers me Mark
Version 2.6.2 that includes paypal express checkout gateway is available to download in client area, Please download and upgrade. It's much more easier to get api key for paypal express checkout than paypal adaptive. We will remove paypal adaptive gateway at next coming version.

and after the upgrade, he answers me Mark
Stores plugin is not compatible with 2.6.2 yet. We're working on it now so that please wait. We're testing it with paypal express checkout now.
Now what do I suppose?laughing
GeorgiosT Bronze badges on 09/10/17 at 10:58
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