
I just had cometchat installed but they could not find where to place this code. Anyone know where it goes?

We have finished configuring CometChat for your website. However, we were unable to find the table file for your website. Thus, we ask you to add the following lines of Code in your website template such that CometChat starts appearing on your website:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="/cometchat/js.php?ext=js"></script>
<link type="text/css" charset="utf-8" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="/cometchat/css.php?ext=css" />  
Don Dubuque Basic on 09/20/17 at 20:19 in mooSocial features
3 Answer(s)
If you're using the default theme, It goes in the <head> section of default.ctp
This file is located at:


Remember after you upload the file back to your server, to clear global caches from your Admin Home screen.

Mike Reynolds Basic on 09/20/17 at 21:24 Edited

Mark Gold badges

Thanks for help Mike!
on 09/21/17 at 02:57
Really strange that the guys from cometchat doesn't know where to place to code. As they have implemented a lot mooSocial configurations..?
ketkew Bronze badges on 09/21/17 at 08:59
This is odd, can't comment on anything as it says I don't have enough points.  So how does one get points?
Don Dubuque Basic on 09/21/17 at 20:18
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