
I want to create a social network with moosocial. To be efficient, I need to make sure to get everything in place before bying the srcipt, in order to have more time to spend with the technical team to set up the site.
Precisely I need to know :
- What kind of CPU I need
- What RAM is require
- Minimal Storage size
- how many servers
- VPS cloud is it ok
- what kind of Backup storage
I am going for OVH is there any reasn why I should got to AWS instead ?
Thanks in advance for your help 
ju guerin Basic on 04/30/18 at 05:53 in Server - hosting
2 Answer(s)
Hello Guerin,
Please see mooSocial's min requirements for server here
For storage, you have two options to save data: on your own hosting server or on Amazon S3
for backup, you can use our backup and restore plugin ( ) or use backup service from your hosting provider.
VPS cloud hosting is okay.
If you think your site will have more than 50k members you should consider AWS instead of OVH becuase AWS is scalable.. 
Mark Gold badges on 04/30/18 at 23:51
I use (ovh company) in combination with S3 for storage which make my setup be prepared for the big mass (1k users now). 
ketkew Bronze badges on 05/01/18 at 13:51
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