How do i access landing page when logged in?

I am trying to access login page when logged in.

Is there any non-programmatical solution to it? (like changing some setting or typing URL).

When logged in, the trying to access landing page redirects to user home.
I want the user to be able to access landing page (as there is some common latest stuff pulled) through user is logged in.
Programmatically I think this is the access point but don't see any redirection or call for theme page.
class HomeController extends AppController {

public function index() {
if ($this->isApp())

$uid = $this->Auth->user('id');
frank Basic on 06/29/18 at 08:43 in mooSocial features
2 Answer(s)
Hi Frank , Why did you need to replace Home page to Landing Page ??
Because That two page is separate , If changes , may cause some issue unexpected . 
Long Tran Basic on 07/02/18 at 00:09
I am using many plugins such as property, business listing etc. My landing page is like more like a portal home or magazine home where i am showing public(which user have allowed to all) contents.
Do need to do it.
How can I achieve it?
frank Basic on 07/04/18 at 05:44
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