Infinite Loop Sign In on Admin Panel

Does anyone else get an infinite loop issue when trying to access the themes manager in the admin panel?  I seem to be getting this problem when I have been working on CSS for a little while and then suddenly the custom css file doesn't save when I hit save and when I reload the page I am signed out.  Then, I will successfully sign back in, and when I select the theme manager it asks me to log in again.  This will happen over and over.  After some time passes this goes away.  The weirdest part is that I remain logged in on the front end throughout all of this, which is good that it doesn't happen to end-users.
I have not touched any PHP on the site, only the front-end CSS, so this means there is something going on with the CMS from install.  Does anyone have advice on how to fix this issue?
Sam Roon Basic on 08/08/16 at 05:12 in Other
1 Answer(s)
This happens to me almost weekly. I don't know what causes it, but an instant fix is to simply clear your browser cache for the past hour or few hours. Fixes it every time.
Mike Reynolds Basic on 11/29/16 at 02:32
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